It gives me the pleasure to address our esteemed clients and our partners in this broad Arab-global consortium, stressing that we join our forces in a real partnership, based on the delivery of state-of-the art consulting and training services, within the Arab homeland and abroad in compliance with global standards.
Our large consortium was established in response to the challenges of diversity of consulting assignments and training programs, which necessitate joint expertise directed to enhance organizational performance and the development of human resources at all levels.
Our take-off was focused on the identification of the true interaction between consulting assignments and training programs. Consulting assignments do not realize their objectives unless backed-up by training programs in the form of better skills and new specializations needed for the effective implementation of the assignments. On the other hand, participation in training programs will not meet its objectives unless the new and better skills, acquired during the programs, become integral parts of the running systems of the targeted organizations.
It goes without saying that there are broad opportunities open within the development process in the Arab countries, whether the Arab homeland is looked-upon as a whole or taken country based or stand-alone. They all face complex challenges of standing problems awaiting feasible solutions. Among the many significant challenges affecting our economies and societies are: globalization, economic reform, privatization, cross boarder-crises, great advances realized in technology and communications, innovative organizational designs, new and advanced roles are played by human resources, …
Successful response to these challenges needs effective assignment delivery coupled with well-designed training programs using modern execution techniques, so that qualified human resources are enabled to meet these challenges. This is the place and role of our growing consortium and the creative process.
I seize this opportunity to present my warmest regards to our esteemed client-based and our prestigious partners, extending my congratulations to them all for their fruitful association with us and we shall together achieve noble common objectives.
Prof. Dr. Khalil M.H. Al Shamma
Chairman, Board of Directors